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參與藝術家 Participating Artists
歐陽如思 Au Yeung Yu Sze, Karen

歐陽如思 Au Yeung Yu Sze, Karen

插畫設計 Illustration

曾入選海上動感藝廊比賽,以「三口人」組合展出作品《眼轆轆》在新渡輪上展出和獲 2007 夏利豪基金會藝術比賽「最喜愛藝術作品」奬。Eye (I) travel. Eye (I) see by 3 voices which is a group art project, is a selected entry of the Gallery Ferry Competition 2003 and also was awarded the winner of My Favourite Art Piece in the Philippe Charriol Foundation Competition 2007.

陳映靜 Chen Ying Ching, Xiaomi

陳映靜 Chen Ying Ching, Xiaomi

木偶設計 Puppet Design

來自台灣。1996-99 年往東京先後隨星川葭夫與西川古柳座學習日本傳統偶戲及八王子車人形,2000 年開始定居香港,於 2005 年創辦《奇想偶戲劇團》,創作了十多部原創偶戲作品。Chen came from Taiwan. She went to Tokyo to study Japanese traditional puppet and Hachioji Kuruma-ningyo with Ayoo Hoshikawa and Nishikawa Koyanagi-za duing 1996 to 1999. In 2000, she settled in Hong Kong and founded Fantastic Puppet Theatre Company in 2005, which created more than ten original puppet theatrical works.

趙靜怡 Chiu Ching Yi

趙靜怡 Chiu Ching Yi

燈光設計 Lighting Design
藝術裝置 Installation Art

趙靜怡是一位熱衷於研究光 / 新媒介 / 身體 / 行為之間的可能性的人。Chiu Ching Yi is passionate about studying the possibilities between light, new media, the human body and behavior.

洪榮賢 Hung Wing Yin, Teresa

洪榮賢 Hung Wing Yin, Teresa

服裝設計 Costume Design
刺繡藝術 Embroidery Art
沙畫藝術 Sand Art

現為自由身藝術工作者,活躍於舞台當服裝設計、管理及製作。除舞台工作外,亦有進行刺繡藝術作品創作,以及沙畫藝術表演及教育等。Currently she works as a freelance artist who designs, produces, and manages costume pieces for theatres. She has also been making embroidery art and sand art.

李衛民 Lee Wai Man, Priman

李衛民 Lee Wai Man, Priman

佈景設計 Set Design
燈光設計 Lighting Design

自由身燈光及佈景設計師、技術製作顧問、美術顧問、攝影師、導演。Director. Master Degree of Fine Arts, Design Dept for Theatre and Film, Tisch School of Arts, New York University, Double major in Scenic Design and Lighting Design.

鄧煒培	Tang Wai Pui, Billy

鄧煒培 Tang Wai Pui, Billy

燈光設計 Lighting Design

1997 年獲香港演藝學院科藝學院頒授藝術 (榮譽) 學士學位,主修舞台燈光設計。除燈光設計外,亦從事舞台多媒體/錄像設計,將多媒體技術應用於不同的表演範籌。Billy Tang graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) degree from the School of Technical Arts of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1997, majoring in theatre lighting design.

王啟敏 Wong Kai Man, Teresa

王啟敏 Wong Kai Man, Teresa

特許工程師 Chartered Engineer
舞台藝術教育 Stage Arts Education
音樂及音響設計 Music and Sound Design

王氏於 2019 年獲選為城市女青年商會主辦「全港時尚專業女性」,創立跳樂劇團,大膽嘗試將工程及音樂藝術結合,開創革新的 STEAM 舞台藝術教育,並製作全港首個 STEAM 兒童音樂劇。With multidisciplinary background, Wong have set up JAM Island Theatre to explore the collaboration of cross-disciplinary works between technology and arts, including Art+Tech shows, training and workshops, and the design of unique curriculum for learning STEAM through Theatre Arts. One of the major achievements is the production of the first STEAM children’s theatre show in Hong Kong.

葉曉雲 Andrew Yip

葉曉雲 Andrew Yip

媒體製作 Media Production

現為媒體及舞台藝術工作者、微電影導演、查⾺馬迪⾼高斯劇團藝術總監、天域製作創作兼⾏政總監及福戲網絡核⼼成員。 Andrew is the founder of Teamwork Productions which provides services including Event Management, Video Production, Stage Production and Multi-media System Design and Installation.

袁玉英 Yuen Yuk Ying, Shybil

袁玉英 Yuen Yuk Ying, Shybil

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

於香港從事舞台設計工作,1990至1993 年期間於香港演藝學院就讀,當時已活躍於劇場創作,並獲得不少獎項,包括成龍海外獎學基金。Hong Kong Theater Set & Costume Design. Shybil was graduated from The Slade School of Fine Arts (University College London) and got Master of Fine Art in 1998.

陳翔 Chan Cheung, Kristopher

陳翔 Chan Cheung, Kristopher

音響設計及作曲 Sound Design and Composing

畢業於香港演藝學院,獲藝術 (榮譽) 學士,主修音響設計。Kristopher graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) major in Sound Design.

張浩然 Cheung Ho Yin, Andrew

張浩然 Cheung Ho Yin, Andrew

服裝設計 Costume Design
形象設計 Image Design

張氏畢業於香港演藝學院,主修應用美術 (舞台服裝工藝),獲頒藝術學士(榮譽)學位。Andrew Cheung majored in Applied Art (costume art) at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and was awarded a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) degree.

許頴琪 Hui Wing Kei, Winnie

許頴琪 Hui Wing Kei, Winnie

插畫設計 Illustration

畢業於澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學,獲藝術學士學位。 2013 完成中文大學的藝術文學碩士。Graduated from Bachelor of Fine Art at RMIT University of Australia and finished the Master of Arts in Fine Arts from Chinese University 2013.

劉雅婷 Lau Nga Ting, Candy

劉雅婷 Lau Nga Ting, Candy

創意概念 Creative Concept
公關傳訊及宣傳 Public Relation & Promotion
活動策劃 Event Planning
技術管理 Technical Management

劉氏熱衷於公關活動和創意項目,於創意概念、公關傳訊及宣傳、活動策劃和技術管理方面擁有豐富的經驗,並為藝術和文化領域的提供新的見解和創意策略。She has 10+ years of experience in developing creative concepts, public relations campaigns and technical management. She is passionate about new insights and creative strategies to contribute to the arts, culture and education sectors in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific markets.

吳家慧 Ng Ka Wai, Dikky

吳家慧 Ng Ka Wai, Dikky

燈光設計 Lighting Design

畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學士,主修舞台燈光設計。Graduated from Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre and Entertainment Arts (Lighting Design) in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.



插畫設計 Illustration
舞台設計 Stage Design
藝術教育 Arts Education

TRAVIEE修畢香港演藝學院藝術碩士後,積極以多重身份參與不同形式的藝術發展項目包括插畫、舞台設計、藝術教育並參與幕前工作等。 TRAVIEE is a multi-disciplinary art practitioner. He obtained his Master of Fine Arts from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

胡皓嵐 Wu Hou Lam, Eagle

胡皓嵐 Wu Hou Lam, Eagle

作曲 Composer
跨媒體藝術 Multi-media Art

作品涵蓋聲音裝置、聲音與影像作品、網絡互動作品以及器樂作品。尤其對建築與聲音,空間與時間的關係感興趣。His work encompasses sound installations, interactive web pieces, audiovisual compositions and compositions for acoustic instruments.

余逢傑 Yue Fung Kit

余逢傑 Yue Fung Kit

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

余氏畢業於香港演藝學院,主修舞台及服裝設計,現活躍於舞台佈景及服裝設計及拍攝美術設計。Yue Fung-kit is a scenic designer, costume designer and art director in theatre, television and film. He was graduated with a Bachelor in Fine Arts Degree in Theatre Set and Costume Design from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

陳衍昊 Chan Hin Hou

陳衍昊 Chan Hin Hou

音響設計 Sound Design

陳衍昊,喜歡以聲音傳達故事和情感,畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及科藝製作系,主修音響設計。Chan likes to transmit stories and feelings through sound. Majoring in Sound Design, Chan graduated from the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

張力行 Cheung Lik Hang, Keith

張力行 Cheung Lik Hang, Keith

佈景設計 Set Design

參與多個職業、業餘劇團及商業機構各項設計工作,憑《我的 50 尺豪華生活》獲第二十四屆舞台劇獎最佳舞台設計及第七屆香港小劇場獎最佳舞台效果。Cheung works with various stage productions and commercial organisations. He received the Best Stage Design from the 24th Hong Kong Drama Awards and the Best Stage Effects from the 7th Hong Kong Theatre Libre with his work My Luxurious 50sqt Life.

洪文寶	Hung Man Po

洪文寶 Hung Man Po

插畫設計 Illustration

香港本土平面設計師和視覺藝術家。他在品牌和平面設計方面擁有超過 20 年的工作經驗,曾與英國文化協會、香港藝術中心、台灣 Alisanwin Tea Brand 和馬來西亞鄉音館等國際客戶合作。Hung Man Po is a Hong Kong-based graphic designer and visual artist. He has more than 20 years of work experience in branding and design with international clients such as British Council, Hong Kong Arts Center, Taiwan Alisanwin Tea Brand and Malaysia Classic Accents Museum.



佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design

畢業於香港知專設計學院舞台及佈景設計高級文憑課程,現於林肯大學修讀活動、展覽及表演場景設計(榮譽)文學士課程。Graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute with Higher Diploma in Stage and Set Design, LCM is currently studying BA (Honours) in Event, Exhibition and Performance Scene Design at Lincoln University.

岑宗達 Sham Chung Tat, Victor

岑宗達 Sham Chung Tat, Victor

音響設計 Sound Design

現於德國柏林藝術大學 (Universität der Künste Berlin) 修讀碩士學位,主修聲音研究與藝術。畢業於香港演藝學院科藝設計學系,主修音響設計。校內作品包括:《戀戀仲夏》及《終成眷屬》。Sham is currently based in Berlin, pursuing his master’s degree at the Berlin University of the Arts, majoring in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and receiving a degree in Sound Design, Sham has been collaborating with a variety of Hong Kong theatre groups, festivals and independent artists.

黃靜婷 Chloe Wong

黃靜婷 Chloe Wong

表演藝術家 Performing Artist / 編舞家 Choreographer

畢業於⾹港演藝學院現代舞系榮獲學⼠ (榮譽) 學位,並獲得⾹港賽⾺會⾳樂及舞蹈信託基⾦前往美國霍林斯⼤學深造,並榮獲舞蹈碩士學位。Wong graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Contemporary Dance and received The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund to study Masters of Arts in Dance at Hollins University in 2012, and founded Chloeography Project in 2018.

葉卓棠 Moon Yip

葉卓棠 Moon Yip

跨媒體藝術創作 Multi-media Art

⽣於⾹港,跨媒體藝術創作人。創作範圍涉及劇場製作設計、項⽬展覽設計,影像美術、視覺藝術、遊戲概念美術及音樂創作等。Born in Hong Kong, Yip is a Hong Kong artist who engages in various specialties simultaneously with theatre and event production, media art direction, visual art, game concept art and music composition.

阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai

阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design
劇場教育 Drama Education
舞台攝影 Theatre Photography

畢業於香港演藝學院科藝學院藝術學士,主修佈景及服裝設計,曾獲香港賽馬會獎學金及成龍海外獎學金赴英國 Stephen Joseph Theatre 實習。Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts majoring in Set and Costume Design, Yuen received the Best Costume Design Award from the 13th Hong Kong Drama Awards for The Good Person of Szechwan.

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