劉雅婷 Lau Nga Ting, Candy
創意概念 Creative Concept
公關傳訊及宣傳 Public Relation & Promotion
活動策劃 Event Planning
技術管理 Technical Management
劉氏於在學期間曾獲匯豐銀行獎學金到杭州、上海、南京及蘇州作學術交流,並於 2011 年夏天獲學院獎學金資助前往杜拜,於 Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Centre 實習並於音樂劇《West Side Story》任舞台監督。近年參與製作包括跳樂劇團《跨越時空大冒險 - STEAM 兒童音樂劇》以及《閃閃閃 - be YOURSELF 兒童互動音樂劇場》、香港藝術節賽馬會當代舞蹈平台、拿督黃紀達基金會(英國)歌劇《諾亞的洪水》(上海夏季音樂節重演)、觀塘劇團《禿頭女高音》、非常林奕華《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》(香港站)、劇場空間《歷史男生》、《喜靈洲⋯⋯分享夜》(三度重演)、爆炸戲棚《萬花嬉春》、Theatre Noir Foundation 音樂劇《我的長腿叔叔》、《我(不)完美》、《13》等。
Candy graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with Master of Art in Communications, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with Bachelor in Fine Arts major in Arts, Event and Stage Management. She has 10+ years of experience in developing creative concepts, public relations campaigns and technical management. She is passionate about new insights and creative strategies to contribute to the arts, culture and education sectors in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific markets.