王啟敏 Wong Kai Man, Teresa
特許工程師 Chartered Engineer
舞台藝術教育 Stage Arts Education
音樂及音響設計 Music and Sound Design
畢業於香港中文大學工程學系,副修音樂,後於香港演藝學院修讀舞台製作,獲頒舞台製作藝術碩士學位。王氏於 2019 年獲選為城市女青年商會主辦「全港時尚專業女性」,創立跳樂劇團,大膽嘗試將工程及音樂藝術結合,開創革新的 STEAM 舞台藝術教育,並製作全港首個 STEAM 兒童音樂劇。王氏亦為香港藝術發展局 2017 年「新苗資助」得主。憑《凡・人》之音樂及音響設計入選第四屆 International Theatre Soundscore and Composition,作品於 2017 年 World Stage Design 假台北展出,並擔任 2019 年 PQ 布拉格劇場設計展香港館的設計師之一。
王氏亦積極參與不同類型音樂及劇場製作,包括同流《荒誕.存在》、香港話劇團新戲匠《一飛沖天去》、城市當代舞蹈團《蝸》、香港兒童音樂劇團互動劇場、香港演藝學院《Ubu》等等 。
為了追尋音樂劇之製作精粹,王氏於 2013 年中前往美國,到 San Jose、Texas、NewYork 各地不同劇場作觀摩學習,並參與了 Broadway Workshop 及 Opera Breve Festival 製作,包括《Marriage of Figaro》、《The Hotel Casablanca》、《Sondheim Cabaret》等。王氏現為香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員,並活躍於音樂演出及教育,曾遠赴中國內地、台灣及新加坡等地交流演出。於 2010 年獲邀到香港文化中心作管風琴演出;另與友人組成 jPadone,以 iPad 作公開演奏,並為兒歌專輯「可喜可樂之城 6」作編曲及香港兒童音樂劇團編制音樂劇課程之音樂制作。亦為繪本《電車小叮在哪裡?》劇場版作曲及編曲。
除此以外,王氏亦為特許工程師,積極推動及參與工程及科技(STEM)之教育,包括籌劃 STEM for Girls Programme、擔任海底機械人大賽評審、及香港 FLL 創意機械人大賽指導導師等,並為工程及科技學會 (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) 理事會(2016-19)成員。
Wong holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre Production from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and a Bachelor of Engineering with minor Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With multidisciplinary background, Wong have set up JAM Island Theatre to explore the collaboration of cross-disciplinary works between technology and arts, including Art+Tech shows, training and workshops, and the design of unique curriculum for learning STEAM through Theatre Arts. One of the major achievements is the production of the first STEAM children’s theatre show in Hong Kong.
Wong was the awardee of Hong Kong Professional Elite Ladies 2019 and awardee of the Grant for Emerging Artists from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2016. In 2017, she has been selected as an exhibitor for the 4th International Theatre Soundscore and Composition Exhibit at World Stage Design in Taipei. Wong was also the Representative Artists of Hong Kong Podium in the Prague Quadrennial (PQ) of Performance Design and Space in 2019, the world’s largest festival for performance design and theatre architecture
Wong has a passion in musical and theatre productions. She has participated in various theatre productions, including Krapp’s Last Tape (WeDraman Theatre), Way Up to The Sky (Hong Kong Repertory Theatre), Wall(City Contemporary Dance Company), Ubu (Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts), etc. Wong has participated in musical and theatre productions in the United States as well, including the production of The Marriage of Figaro, The Hotel Casablanca, Sondheim Cabaret with the Broadway Workshop and Opera Breve Festival. Wong also took part in live music productions and was the music director for musical theatre BitterSweet.
Wong is also a musician and educator. She is the member of CASH. As an organist, she has been invited to perform at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Her music projects include the production of children songs CD, music training and music curriculum planning for children’s musical theatre and performed in Singapore, Taiwan, Mainland China, etc. Wong and friends has formed a band jPadone, which performed by using iPad. She is also the composer and arranger for Hong Kong children musical - Where is the tram?
Besides, Wong is the Chartered Engineer, she is actively in promoting STEM education. She is the coordinator of STEM for Girls Programme, organizing committee and judge of ROV Underwater Robot Challenge and First Lego League (FLL). Wong is the Council Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2016-2019.
@kaiman0109 @jamislandtheatre