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李衛民 Lee Wai Man, Priman

佈景設計 Set Design
燈光設計 Lighting Design


紐約大學舞台及電影製作設計系碩士,主修燈光及佈景設計。英國 Association for Lighting Production and Design 專業會員. 多年來活躍於各小劇場大劇院及不同創意界別,曾赴美國深造,拜多位名師門下,留美期問曾獲 Oliver Smith Award, Studio Foundation Award,畢業後設計作品見於紐約外外百老滙劇場及紐約州社區劇場。

曾代表香港參與 2007 布拉格國際舞台設計展及世界舞台展 2013 決賽全球一百名入圍參展作品.近年設計作品遍及各實驗商業職業業餘舞台製作,作品逾百其作品曾受國際雜誌 Lighting Dimension 報導,多年來,李氏設計以香港為基地連接世界, 作品偶亦見於其他地方,包括中國、美國、英國、加拿大、東南亞、新加坡、德國、瑞典、南非等,工作穿越英美歐亞及大中華地區。2016 於香港國際舞台燈光論壇籌組委員. 2017 年為台北世界舞台展擔任國際籌組委員 Scenographer / Designer / Creative。

Director. Master Degree of Fine Arts, Design Dept for Theatre and Film, Tisch School of Arts, New York University, Double major in Scenic Design and Lighting Design.

Professional Member of the Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technician and Scenographer (HKATTS)

Professional Member of Association of Lighting Designer, UK (ALD) Versatile Works across Lighting, Scenic, and Multimedia Projection, from Professional Theater Stage, Commercial Event, to Amateur Blackbox. One of Designers represent Hong Kong in Praque Quadrennial 2007 and 100 Finalist in World Stage Design 2013.

Design Works also seen in WSD2005/2009, PQ2019

Organizing Committee of 2016 International Lighting Symposium, HKATTS.

Organizing Committee of 2017 World Stage Design Taipei, OISTAT


李衛民 Lee Wai Man, Priman
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