由 14 位不同背景的資深舞台科藝藝術家組成的 6 個創作組合,最近完成了一系列創新展演作品。在策展人李浩賢、徐碩朋和顧問伍宇烈的指導下,這些科藝藝術家參加了一連串工作坊和實驗交流,深入探討了世界各地著名科藝藝術家及其作品,探討香港科藝的可塑性、媒介重新定位及建構等議題。
節目一 《12 x 幸福之旅 x 菇菇 Land》
在同一天空下,可有不一樣的風光? 髮型設計師許迪生及化妝師黃嘉敏邀請關注踏上《幸福之旅》,各人都朝著幸福進發,希望能為你帶回對幸福的期待及找回初心。
《菇菇 Land》
GuGuland入境處恭喜你,你有一份移民申請已獲接納。由於申請人數眾多,想快人一步成為第 1850000000 批菇菇市民,為 Guguland 理想國度作出貢獻的話,機會嚟啦!請你出席哩次迎新活動,於限時內揀選適合你自己嘅“特色”前來報到,我哋嘅菇菇專員陳健新 x 洪榮賢 x 姜綺雯,將帶領觀衆開展奇妙嘅種新菇之旅。機會難逢、逾時不候, 缺席者將被視作放棄居留權,敬請各位留意!
節目二 《100 to 1 x 斷 / 合 x 音波派對》
《100 to 1》
《斷 / 合》
影像設計師陳家濠及視覺/插畫師洪文寶 創作《斷 / 合》,讓觀眾在這個空間感受過去十多年香港這「舞台」場景的變化,並對應觀眾反應創作即興表演。
"Life is a party, so always dress like you're attending one."
12 x 幸福之旅 x 菇菇 Land
2024 年 9 月 21 日(星期六)
下午 3 時 30 分及晚上 8 時 -
2024 年 9 月 22 日(星期日)
下午 3 時 30 分
100 to 1 x 斷 / 合 x 音波派對
2024 年 9 月 28 日(星期六)
下午 3 時 30 分及晚上 8 時 -
2024 年 9 月 29 日(星期日)
下午 3 時 30 分
每場演出約 90 分鐘
A group of 14 seasoned technical arts artists from diverse backgrounds recently completed a series of innovative performance works as part of 6 creative collaborations. Under the guidance of curators Lawrence Lee, Allan Tsui, and consultant Yuri Ng, these technical arts artists participated in a series of workshops and experimental exchanges, delving into the works of renowned technical arts artists from around the world to explore issues such as the adaptability of technical arts in Hong Kong, media repositioning, and construction.
Through these rich theatrical experiences and the support of the consulting team and the platform provided, the artists created a batch of new short works rooted in the technical arts field, showcasing their research and creative achievements during the arts festival.
Showcases Programme 1 : 12 x Journey of Happiness x GuGuland
Artists: Billy Chan**, Zoe Cheung
What was the universe be like before there was light? At what point does the light you see is not light? In a theatre space, what kind of imagination can it bring you to when you see the images changed by light alone?
Using light, sound and Mandala as the subject matters of the performance, lighting designers Billy Chan and Zoe Cheung invite the audience to embark on a journey of exploration into light and space, opening up a new journey of imagination.
Between Light and Space
We Imagine
Journey of Happiness
Artists: Charlie Luciano, Kamen Wong
In the busy lives we lead, some people choose material satisfaction, while others choose spiritual fulfillment. The underlying meaning in both cases is the pursuit of "happiness" and the effort to bring more choices into our lives. In the process of this search, people gradually forget the reasons behind their pursuit of happiness, and the "choices" they make often deviate from the norm.
Under the same sky, can the scenery be different? As we embark on this "Journey of Happiness" created by Hair Stylist Charlie Luciano and Make-up Artist Kamen Wong, each person advances towards happiness, hoping to rediscover the anticipation of happiness and recapture their original intent.
Artists: Simpson Chan**, Teresa Hung, Yumi Keung
The GuGuland Immigration Office congratulates you, your immigration application has been accepted. Due to the large number of applicants, if you want to get ahead and become the 1,850,000,000th GuGu citizen to contribute to the ideal nation of GuGuland, the opportunity is here. You must attend this welcoming event, and within the time limit, select a suitable "specialty" to register. Our GuGu specialists Simpson Chan, Teresa Hung and Yumi Keung will guide you on an amazing new mushroom growing journey. This opportunity is rare and time-sensitive, those who miss the deadline will be considered to have forfeited their right of residency. Please take note!
Showcases Programme 2 : 100 to 1 x Fracture / Seam x Wave Party
100 to 1
Artists: Ainsley So,Shybil Yuen
Everyone’s presence could become someone else’ inspiration. Suggesting new meanings or making interpretations to things that matter to us is an important part of one’s creative process, it’s also a process of transforming 100% of our sensations into one creation. Through "100 to 1", Costume Designers Sinsley So and Shybil Yuen would give participants an experience of transforming their visual impressions of their present moments into one unique piece of work.
Fracture / Seam
Artists: Gary Chan, Hung Man Po
The era is traversing a chasm, this city has been filled with a turbulent and restless atmosphere.
We are currently in the rift of this era.
Thus, some have decided to leave, to make a clean break from it.
Some choose to shut down their emotions, continuing to work hard, striving to eat, drink, and be merry.
Some wish to rediscover this place, contemplating the future path ahead.
"Fracture / Seam" created by multimedia artist Gary Chan and visual artist / illustrator Hung Man Po allows the audience to experience the fragments and changes in the "stage" setting of Hong Kong over the past decade, as well as the artist's impromptu performance in response to audience reactions. Can we possibly mend this fracture here?
Wave Party
Artists: Kristopher Chan, Chan Kwun Wang, Stoa Lau
"Life is a party, so always dress like you're attending one."
"Wave Party" is an experimental sound exploration ritual that brings together sound creative talents from different fields. Sound artists Kristopher Chan, Chan Kwun Wang and Stoa Lau invite the audience to participate in the party, to immerse themselves in the ocean of sound, interact with the works, and lead everyone to discover the charm of sound.
Date and Time
Showcases Programme 1:
12 x Journey of Happiness x GuGuland
21 Sep 2024 (Sat)
3:30 pm & 8:00 pm -
22 Sep 2024 (Sun)
3:30 pm
Showcases Programme 2:
100 to 1 x Fracture / Seam x Wave Party
28 Sep 2024 (Sat)
3:30 pm & 8:00 pm -
29 Sep 2024 (Sun)
3:30 pm
Show Duration
Each performance lasts approximately 90 minutes
(no intermission)
The Box, Freespace,
West Kowloon Cultural District
Presented in Cantonese
Tickets Price
HK$300 for adults
HK$150 for full-time students, seniors and persons with disabilities)
Tickets are available online at Artmate
Programme Enquiry
After each performance, there are more opportunities for communication. Artists participating in the performance will share their creation and experimental process with the audience after the performance. The audience is welcome to stay and participate.
* 承蒙香港知專設計學院允許參與是次製作 With kind permission of Hong Kong Design Institute
** 承蒙香港演藝學院允許參與是次製作 With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
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