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葉曉雲 Andrew Yip

媒體製作 Media Production

葉氐為舞台工作者及媒體製作⼈,先後畢業於香港浸信會神學院主修教牧學及基督 教傳播學 (研究碩⼠)及於⾹港演藝學院主修⾳響設計 / 技術及⾳樂錄⾳ (專業文憑)。現為媒體及舞台藝術工作者、微電影導演、查⾺馬迪⾼高斯劇團藝術總監、天域製作創作兼⾏政總監及福戲網絡核⼼成員。

葉氐致⼒推動劇場藝術與科技之結合,早於 2001 年於「新城電台環迴⽴體聲啟播活 動」中擔任⾳訊處理理⼯作;最近於 2021 年任《潘霍華的情書》⼀劇之⾳響設計師,在文化中⼼劇場運⽤ d&b Soundscape 音響系統,給劇場觀眾沉浸式⾳效 (Immersive sound) 體驗。 葉氐導演了《坐於碎星閃閃的天空下》、《遠⽅方的呼喚》、《Double Espresso》、 《未完待續……》、《⾺丁‧路德》(聯合導演) 等劇⽬,並為多個專業製作擔任⾳響設計及影像設計⼯作。

同時,葉氐亦是廣告、微電影及⾳樂影片之導演,合作公司及機構包括和興白花油、謝瑞麟 TSL、MAD Music Limited、⾹港⻘年協會、⾹港心理衛生會及⾹港福會福利署等。

除舞台製作外,葉氐亦參與不同商業及⼤型盛事製作,其中包括:2009 東亞運動會 (2009) 任現場運動展示導演維港煙⽕火匯演 (2009-2012) 任現場⾳樂及煙火訊號處理 「Traces of Silk Road」(香港浸會⼤學⾳樂系) (2015) 任劇場與多媒體導演「Telematic Concert Zurich - Hong Kong」 (2017) (⾹港城巿大學 - 瑞⼠蘇黎世⼤學) 任現場技術統籌 (⾹港區) 五⽉天香港迪⼠尼演唱會 (2018 年年及 2019 年) 任⼈流及交通監控技術統籌 「由靈開始陳潔靈演唱會」(2018) 任舞台技術製作統籌《遙遙之城》(Maybe Tomorrow) (2019,2022) 任製作經理⾹港藝術節「No Limits 2020」(2020) 任串流直播統籌及制作香港藝術節2021《The Plague (英⽂版)》(2021 年) 任串流直播統籌及制作 「K11 Kulture Webinar」(2021) 超過30集任串流直播統籌及制作。

Andrew Yip earned a Professional Diploma from the School of Theatre & Entertainment Arts at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (sound design and music recording). Before starting his professional engagements in the media and theater performance, he studied at the Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary and obtained his Bachelor of Arts (pastoral studies) and Master of Christian Studies (Christian communication). Andrew is also art director of Dramatikos.

Andrew is the founder of Teamwork Productions which provides services including Event Management, Video Production, Stage Production and Multi-media System Design and Installation. Andrew involved various large-scale events in Hong Kong, such as 2009 East Asian Games (as Programme Designer and Field Director), and National Day and Chinese New Year firework performances on the Tsim Sha Tsui Victoria Harbor from 2009 to 2012 (as Coordinator of Musical Signal Cueing and Transfer System). Andrew is now a theatre and video productions director, producer and production manager.

He also instructs acting, stage production and film making. He has collabo-rated with Trinity Theatre, Make Friend with Puppet, Project On the Earth, Hong Kong Gospel Drama Network, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Zurich University of the Art, the University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, the Baptist University of Hong Kong, the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity and HKU Space, etc.


葉曉雲 Andrew Yip
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