陳映靜 Chen Ying Ching, Xiaomi
木偶設計 Puppet Design
來自台灣。1996-99 年往東京先後隨星川葭夫與西川古柳座學習日本傳統偶戲及八王子車人形,2000 年開始定居香港,於 2005 年創辦《奇想偶戲劇團》,創作了十多部原創偶戲作品。自 2013 年起為高錕慈善基金創作偶劇《只要有愛,腦退化不可怕》校園巡迴演出。
陳氏亦曾製作多個大型木偶,包括香港青年藝術協會《Melodia》中的雙頭怪嬰 (2017)、應邀為《渣打藝術嘉年華》製作四米半高的大型懸絲偶《最後的渡渡鳥》(2014),及為澳門文化局創作十米高巨型竹偶 (2009)。
此外,陳氏曾參與多個劇場作品,包括香港話劇團《親愛的胡雪巖》(2016)、進劇場《莎拉.肯恩三十六景》(2017)、 風車草劇團《阿晶想旅行》(2016)、《超級媽媽超級市場》(2015)、《Q 畸大道》(2013)、《穿紅靴的貓》(2008);后花園《夜車》(2015)、何必.館新視野藝術節節目《大鬧天宮》(2012)。
Chen came from Taiwan. She went to Tokyo to study Japanese traditional puppet and Hachioji Kuruma-ningyo with Ayoo Hoshikawa and Nishikawa Koyanagi-za duing 1996 to 1999. In 2000, she settled in Hong Kong and founded Fantastic Puppet Theatre Company in 2005, which created more than ten original puppet theatrical works. Since 2013, the company has created a series of school touring programme for The Charles K. Kao Foundation.
Chen has built a number of giant puppets, including the two-headed strange baby in Melodia by the Hong Kong Youth Arts Association (2017), was invited to built a four-and-a-half-meter string puppet The Last Dodofor the Standard Chartered Art Carnival (2014), and created a giant ten-meter bamboo puppet for the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau (2009).
In addition, Chen has been participated in a number of theater works, including Hu XueYan, my Dear (2016) by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Viewing 4.48 (2017) by Theatre du Pif, Windmill Grass Troupe Lazy People Love Traveling (2016), Avenue Q (2013) and Super Mama Market (2015), The Cat in Red Boots (2008), Haverland Light Change (2015); New Vision Arts Festival presents O You Heavenly Creatures! by Ho Bit Goon (2012).