陳翔 Chan Cheung, Kristopher
音響設計及作曲 Sound Design and Composing
畢業於香港演藝學院,獲藝術 (榮譽) 學士,主修音響設計。 就學期間獲學院頒「最佳音響設計師獎」及多個獎學金,包括「成龍海外培訓獎學金」往英國倫敦深造音樂劇製作,參與倫敦製作包括《Ghost The Musical》、《Phantom of The Opera》、《Lion King》、《Singin’ in The Rain》等多個著名劇目。
陳氏現為香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員,涉獵配樂範疇亦包括影視製作、動畫、手遊及廣告,曾參與電影《最美的時候遇見你》、《28 歲未成年》,影集《無心法師》系列、《三生三世十里桃花》系列、《琅琊榜》系列、網絡劇《盜墓筆記》系列、《如懿傳》、《人生若如初相見》等,手遊《天天神仙》、《誅神天傳》等。
除音響相關工作外,陳氏亦參與本地及海外文化推廣及藝術行政,包括現擔任網上電台《美劇癮歐美娛樂網台評論節目》主持、曾擔任拉斯維加斯(香港站)《驚嚇巔峰》製作經理、參與日本東京Another Jason Cover Dance藝術交流等。
陳氏為跳樂劇團創辦人之一,熱衷推動「STEAM」及「Arts+Tech」跨媒介藝術方針,其研發的裝置藝術於 2019 年捷克「PQ 布拉格劇場四年展」展出。
Kristopher graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) major in Sound Design. During his studies, he was awarded the Best Sound Designer and several scholarships, including the Jackie Chan Overseas Training Scholarship to study musical theatre production in London, England.
He is active in theatre music composition and sound design, and has been nominated for the Hong Kong Drama Awards twice, including the Best Original Music and Lyrics and Best Sound Design. He won the Excellent Music Award in the domestic TV series in 2016.
Kristopher is currently a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH). He is involved in the field of soundtracks, including film and television production, animation, mobile game and advertisement. Beside the work of sound design, Kristopher is one of the founders of JAM Island Theatre which is keen to promote the STEAM and Arts+Tech cross-media arts production.