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吳家慧 Ng Ka Wai, Dikky

燈光設計 Lighting Design



曾經參與舞台製作有大專院校的《Annual Performance》及多個演藝學院的演出,亦參與過不同演出種類的燈光設計,如:2013 年 Stage Fan (Macau) 《Black Box Festival: Agnes of God》、LCSD World Cultural Festival 2013,《Uasiankrainian Jam》、2014 年 DU (Shanghai)《The Cycle of Life》、Dream Project (Macau) 《Dreamers GoGo Musical III : D 之殺人事件》、Theatre Noir 《Duan Gong School Musical: Mulan》、2015 年澳門勵志青年會《十三嬸之迷》、灣仔劇團《灣仔創作集 2015》、香港優秀兒童合唱團 《Annie》、演藝學院《MFA Project: “Roses Are Loves” Bridal Fashion Show & Performance》、2016 年 VTC 交響樂團及合唱團 《Annual Concert - Romantic Legends》、2017 年演藝學院《MFA Project: 春華秋寶音樂劇》、VTC 交響樂團及合唱團《35 週年音樂會》、小馬工作室《偶然•徐志摩》等等。

Graduated from Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre and Entertainment Arts (Lighting Design) in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Dikky participated in drama shows since secondary schoools, and developed interested in stage lighting. She wishes to use lighting to enhance the atmosphere and stage effects for performances. She has been involved in various theatrical productions of HKAPA, local drama and dance companies, mini concert, musical, banquets, dance performance.


吳家慧 Ng Ka Wai, Dikky
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