由 14 位來自不同背景的資深舞台科藝藝術家,組成 6 個不同組合創作展演作品。策展人李浩賢、徐碩朋及顧問伍宇烈、黎蘊賢以及袁卓華,與一眾科藝藝術家進行一連串工作坊及實驗交流,共同研討世界各地著名科藝藝術家及其作品、香港科藝的可塑性、媒介重新定位及建構等領域。以各自豐富的劇場經驗,顧問團隊的支援及空間平台,編作出植根科藝的全新短篇作品,並將在藝術節內展示藝術家的研究及創作成果。
節目一 《五 x 人工自然 x 賣光》
這個創作就如宇宙的微縮模型,我們是無限宇宙的一部份,同時又共同創造這個空間。 每一個人的參與,都會隨機構成不同的部份,透過付出與接收,不斷累積物種的生命力與智慧,而形成每一刻流動的全息圖。
生活在 Hong Kong
成日望住 Mon
Sing a little song
節目二 《空想遊樂場 x 評頭品足 x 留言》
一個由聲音、影像與影偶揉合出來的實驗遊樂場。從抽象的元素開始發展,沒有文本、沒有指向性。當聲音與影像不是在敘事的時候,它們在表達些什麼?三個,「宅男」透過自行製作的「玩具」, 賦予幻想,把它們轉化成舞台上的「演出原素」,拼凑出一個想像之外實驗效果。
不為什麼,也沒原因,只是此時此刻邀請你給這個城市留下一句說話,你有什麼想跟她說嗎? “請喺咇一聲之後,留低你嘅口訊”。
五 x 人工自然 x 賣光
2022 年 7 月 16 日(星期六)
下午 3 時 30 分及晚上 8 時
2022 年 7 月 17 日(星期日)
下午 3 時 30 分
空想遊樂場 x 評頭品足 x 留言
2022 年 7 月 23 日(星期六)
下午 3 時 30 分及晚上 8 時
2022 年 7 月 24 日(星期日)
下午 3 時 30 分
每場演出約 90 分鐘
港幣 $250 (成人)
港幣 $150 (全日制學生、長者及
門票現於Artmate、西九文化區網頁 www.westkowloon.hk 、戲曲中心票務處、自由空間票務處及電話購票熱線公開發售。
6 groups of 14 technical arts artists work together and will showcase their creative achievements. Curators Lawrence Lee, Allan Tsui and consultants Yuri Ng, Orlean Lai and Yuen Cheuk Wa conducted a series of workshops and experimental exchanges with these technical arts artists to develop a platform for utilization and the repositioning of technical arts and compile new works rooted in technical arts.
Showcases Programme 1 : Five Guys x Artificial Nature x Sell Light
Five Guys
Artists: Chan Wing Kit, Gene Ma
The Story is made up of
Five elements on the planet earth: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Soil
Five senses of a human: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch
Human beings are part of the stardust in the universe, but also creating our universe.
This performance is the miniature of the infinite universe, audience are also the artist to co-create the final work in the space.
There is no answer
There is no goal
There is no direction
There is no expectation…
Just to process, to feel the vibration of your energy through the 5 senses and 5 elements, what resonate you to make your next move by give and take to form the Holographic Moment?
Artificial Nature
Artists: Teresa Hung, Teresa Wong
At the hustle and bustle of the city, and constant construction for prosperity, and pursuing for better, one can easily forget the beauty that has already and always existed.
Our work explores the possibility of combining different elements, using a conveyor belt as a viewpoint to carry sound, images, textures, and mechanical operation; to fabricate a natural environment. Using artificial and un-natural elements to create a nature that already existed, to re-think the meaning of life pursuit.
Sell Light
Artists: Sunfool Lau, Adrian Yeung
Poetry cannot be translated to other languages accurately. Please come to see and you will know everything. Thank you.
Showcases Programme 2 : Imagine Nothing Playground x Making Comments x Message
Imagine Nothing Playground
Artists: Kristopher Chan, Simpson Chan*, Dan Fong
An experimental playground interweaved with sound, video and shadow puppet. It was developed from abstract elements, without text, nor direction. What the sound and images are expressing when they are not telling a story? Three "Otaku" used self-made "toys" with added imagination, transform them into a "performance" on stage; created an experimental effect beyond one's imagination.
Making Comments
Artists: Joseph Chan, Charlie Luciano
As human beings, each one has his/her own “interests”, which can be obvious, hidden, tangible, intangible, intellectual or action type; some take it lightly, some will indulge, some already addicted. If it "does not harm" others, why not? Whether it is shopaholic, foot fetish, hair fetish, cross-dressing… fulfilling interest is a part of one’s life.
Our piece of work, from top to bottom, is constructed with a “brain” made of hairstyles, a tulle skirt covering the moving legs, using light pink as the key colour tone.
The dense collection of various body parts constitutes the wholly beauty, reminding us repeatedly to appreciate our own interests as well as those of others. When you are looking at me, I am looking at you too.
We welcome your comments.
Artists: Sunny Chan, Yeung Tsz Yan, Melody Yuen
If we can't imagine the future of Hong Kong, let's recall the past. Don't rush to think who we want to be in the next life, just use the identity we still have in this life, to look back at what this city has given us? No matter how long you have lived in this city, no matter how many changes she has gone through; from a fishing village, a city with myriad of lights, sparkling night lives, and full of walled buildings, to a city with drifting petals, this place has accompanied us through different stages of life.
For nothing else, and no reason needed, we invite you to leave a message to this city at this moment. What do you want to tell her? "Please leave your message after the beep".
Date and Time
Showcases Programme 1:
Five Guys x Artificial Nature x Sell Light
16 Jul 2022 (Sat)
3:30 pm & 8:00 pm
17 Jul 2022 (Sun)
3:30 pm
Showcases Programme 2:
Imagine Nothing Playground x Making Comments x Message
23 Jul 2022 (Sat)
3:30 pm & 8:00 pm
24 Jul 2022 (Sun)
3:30 pm
Show Duration
Approximately 90 minutes per performance
Including Post-show Talks
There will be no intermission
Presented in Cantonese
The Box of Freespace, Art Park,
West Kowloon Cultural District
Ticketing Enquiry
Tickets Price
HK$250 for adults
HK$150 for full-time students, seniors and persons with disabilities)
Tickets are available online at Artmate, www.westkowloon.hk, in person at Xiqu Centre & Freespace ticket offices and telephone boo
Programme Enquiry

After each performance, there are more opportunities for communication. Artists participating in the performance will share their creation and experimental process with the audience after the performance. The audience is welcome to stay and participate.
* 承蒙香港知專設計學院允許參與是次製作 With kind permission of Hong Kong Design Institute
** 承蒙香港演藝學院允許參與是次製作 With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
#TAF2022 #Showcases #Exhibition #Seminars #Workshops #BackstageTours #Artists #Team #MakingOf