黑暗中的髮型師 @Salon Go Ahead,一位不折不扣的舞台造型設計狂熱份子,現任香港美髮美容業商會-理事長及會董,HKCAAVQ - 主導學科專家,VTC - 美髮業過往資歷認可及訓練委員會-委員。
曾任森美小儀歌劇團 2001-2010,《卡夫卡的七個箱子》、《十方一念》、《哈姆萊特機器》、《香港三姊妹》《暴風雨》、《天虹戰隊》、《逆風而行》及《瑪麗皇后》;亞洲小姐大中華及香港區總決賽,中國小姐總決賽髮型總監及 Estetica 79th Hair Show - 舞台製作總監。曾任多個國際品牌代言人,包括:「L'Oreal Professionnel、L'Oreal Matrix、Olaplex」
Hair Stylist in the Dark @ Salon Go Ahead, an out-and-out enthusiasts for "Stage Hair And Imaging Designer".
Incumbent Chairman of Director (Bureau Member) of "The Hong Kong Hair and Beauty Merchant Association"
Leading Subject Specialist of "The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications" (HKCAAVQ)
Assessor for the Vocational Training Council (VTC)
Former Convener for the Publicity and Promotion Committees of the Hong Kong Education Bureau Industry Training Advisory Committees (ITACs)
Chief Hair Designer of the Commercial Radio - Sammy & Kitty Musical (2001-2010)
Hair Designer for Stage Performance《卡夫卡的七個箱子》、《十方一念》、《哈姆萊特機器》、《香港三姊妹》、《暴風雨》、《天虹戰隊》、《逆風而行》《瑪麗皇后》
Chief Hair Director for the Miss Asia Pageant
Show Director for the Estetica 70th Hair Show (Shanghai).
Former Olaplex Hong Kong Ambassador
Former L'Oreal Matrix Ambassador
Former L'Oreal Professionnel Ambassador
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." So said Albert Einstein. Design requires anything but talent. So long as I am full of curiosity, I can forge ahead with the soul of each character, letting the audience grasp these characters' fully-exposed personalities and idiosyncrasies. I love my role.