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許迪生 - 髮型創作

Charlie Luciano - Hair Creator

黑暗中的髮型師 @Salon Go Ahead,一位不折不扣的舞台造型設計狂熱份子,現任香港美髮美容業商會-理事長及會董,HKCAAVQ - 主導學科專家,VTC - 美髮業過往資歷認可及訓練委員會-委員。

曾任森美小儀歌劇團 2001-2010,《卡夫卡的七個箱子》、《十方一念》、《哈姆萊特機器》、《香港三姊妹》《暴風雨》、《天虹戰隊》、《逆風而行》及《瑪麗皇后》;亞洲小姐大中華及香港區總決賽,中國小姐總決賽髮型總監及 Estetica 79th Hair Show - 舞台製作總監。曾任多個國際品牌代言人,包括:「L'Oreal Professionnel、L'Oreal Matrix、Olaplex」




Hair Stylist in the Dark @ Salon Go Ahead, an out-and-out enthusiasts for "Stage Hair And Imaging Designer".

  • Incumbent Chairman of Director (Bureau Member) of "The Hong Kong Hair and Beauty Merchant Association"

  • Leading Subject Specialist of "The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications" (HKCAAVQ)

  • Assessor for the Vocational Training Council (VTC)

  • Former Convener for the Publicity and Promotion Committees of the Hong Kong Education Bureau Industry Training Advisory Committees (ITACs)

  • Chief Hair Designer of the Commercial Radio - Sammy & Kitty Musical (2001-2010)

  • Hair Designer for Stage Performance《卡夫卡的七個箱子》、《十方一念》、《哈姆萊特機器》、《香港三姊妹》、《暴風雨》、《天虹戰隊》、《逆風而行》《瑪麗皇后》

  • Chief Hair Director for the Miss Asia Pageant

  • Show Director for the Estetica 70th Hair Show (Shanghai).

  • Former Olaplex Hong Kong Ambassador

  • Former L'Oreal Matrix Ambassador

  • Former L'Oreal Professionnel Ambassador

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." So said Albert Einstein. Design requires anything but talent. So long as I am full of curiosity, I can forge ahead with the soul of each character, letting the audience grasp these characters' fully-exposed personalities and idiosyncrasies. I love my role.

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