Project Planning
Tsui Shek Pang, Allan
香港舞台設計師及美術指導。徐氏先後畢業於香港理工大學、香港演藝學院及香港中文大學,修讀設計學、電影電視製作,舞台設計及哲學,分別獲頒設計學文憑、科藝文憑 (電影/電視)、藝術 (榮譽) 學士及哲學文學碩士。過去二十年,曾為二百多齣戲劇、舞蹈、歌劇及音樂劇等製作擔任舞台設計,亦曾編寫及導演劇場實驗製作。徐氏作品分別於 1999、2007 及 2019 年代表香港參與捷克布拉格舞台設計四年展。曾聯合策展及設計多個本地及海外展覽,包括香港舞台設計展 (2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2018)、華文戲劇節展覽(2016)、布拉格四年展香港館 (PQ 2007 / PQ 2015 / PQ 2019) 及香港知專設計學院畢業展 (2016 / 2018 / 2021) 等。曾任職電影美術指導及香港演藝學院客席講師。現為展覽設計、舞台佈景及服裝設計師,香港知專設計學院講師及課程主任,香港藝術發展局戲劇顧問、香港舞台技術及設計人員協會項目顧問等。
As a Hong Kong theatre designer and art director, Allan received his education from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained Diploma in Design, Diploma in Technical Arts (Film/TV), Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) and Master of Arts (Philosophy). In the past twenty years, he has been theatre designer for more than two hundred productions including drama, dance, opera & musicals, as well as writing and directing experimental theatre productions. Tsui's works represented Hong Kong at the Prague Quadrennial in 1999, 2007 and 2019 respectively. He has co-curated and designed a number of local and overseas exhibitions, including Hong Kong Theatre Design Exhibition (2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2018), Chinese Drama Festival Exhibition (2016), Prague Quadrennial Hong Kong Pavilion (PQ2007/PQ2015/PQ2019) and Hong Kong Design Institute Emerging Design Talents Exhibition (2016 / 2018 / 2021), etc. He has worked as a film art director and a guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He is currently an exhibition design, stage set and costume designer, a lecturer and programmer leader of the Hong Kong Design Institute, a drama consultant of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and a project consultant of the Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians and Scenographers.