英國倫敦藝術大學畢業,主修舞台設計。過去近 1O 年活躍於影視美術,舞台及服裝設計崗位。參與電影作品有《七人樂隊-別夜》、《真三國無雙》、《踏血尋梅》、《大話西遊 3》 及 電視劇 《暖男爸爸》 等。
2020 創立 Duo Scene Studio 並發表電影 《春光乍洩》 的微蹜場景短片,致力推動微縮創作。系列作品有 《暖男爸爸》、《胭脂扣》場景模型及攝製短片。2021 年為電影 《緣路山旮旯》 擔任美術指導 及為張之珏執導 舞台喜劇 《老公你好悶呀》 擔任舞台設計。
Graduated from University of Arts London, Ma is a Hong Kong based design professional, having gained significant experiences in last 10 years in Film, TV, as well as theatre productions.
He has artistic direction credits in several feature films in recent years, one notably Far Far Away directed by Amos Why, and was selected as the Finale Film at the Closing Ceremony of the HK Asia Film Festival 2021.
Ma is an enthusiatic diorama artist, keen to handcraft-build and video shoot mini scale models of tv/film sets to explore beauty of set designs behind camera.
In 2020, he founded Duo Scene Studio and released video of his first film set miniature based on main set of Award Winning 1997 Happy Together, a Wong Ka-wai Film.
His recent creative credits include Set Design for Neil Simon's Broadway comedy success Barefoot In The Park, under the direction of renowned theatre director, Cheung Che-kwok.