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阮韻珊 - 編劇及演員

Melody Yuen - Playwright and Actor


畢業於東京「東西日本語學校」,考獲 JLPT N2 日本語能力試資格。

於 2011 年加入中英劇團成為全職演員。團內演出作品
《自作自受》、《寶石王子》、《海倫.凱倫》、《大龍鳳》、《孤星淚》《非常口》、《出口》、《同棲異想——從石屎罅走到劇場中間鏽已生》、《象人》、《鐵獅子胡同的回音》、《夢魅雪夜の真的下雪了》《完不了的最後一課》(皇仁書院 150 週年校慶演出)

憑《離地 到着》獲提名「第十屆香港小劇場獎」最佳劇本

《全世界靜晒》唯獨舞台、《香港藝術的前世今生》一條褲、《夜鶯》唯獨舞台、《有料呻吟》《離地 到着》《無有識死》艾菲斯劇團、《擦擦奇俠》一路青空、《大白兔》(獨腳戲)第二屆女人節、《愛上白雪公主的小矮人》夢飛行劇團、《炸雪糕的二義性》(讀劇)前進進、《お一人様の演劇》(福岡舉辦,亞洲青空藝術節)

電影《小 Q》


Graduated from the (BA) Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Stage Performance.


After graduation, she worked as a fulltime actress in Chung Ying Theatre Company. She also took part in playwriting for the performances Exit, All Fools and Christmas Message in the company.


After leaving Chung Ying Theater Company, Yuen studied for more than a year in Tokyo, gaining experiences from outside of the theatre, and graduated from East West Japanese Language School, currently achieved JLPT N2 level.


After meeting friends from different countries and learning about different cultures, she started writing after she returned to Hong Kong, recording the life in the foreign. The result is her first first full-length play, My Red Tower.


After My Red Tower, Yuen continued playwrighting, which are mostly inspired by daily life. In her works, the relationships and the inner faces of characters are revealed through the cumulation of tiny drops of daily life; heavy topics are presented with light-hearted humor; and the vast world is seen through the eyes of nobodies.


Awards and Nominations include: 

Awarded The Best Lead Actress for the 9th The Hong Kong Theatre Libre for the work Death in Hong Kong

Awarded Outstanding Actress in the 12th Hong Kong Theatre Libre for the work Listener

Awarded The Best Playwright in the 12th Hong Kong Theatre Libre for the work Listener

Nominated Best Playwright in the 10th Hong Kong Theatre Libre for the work My Red Tower

Nominated Best Playwright (Co-Playwright) in the 29th Hong Kong Drama Awards for the work The Best Day In My Life

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