謝沅珩 Denise Tse
謝氏畢業於香港大學,主修比較文學及地理,後獲演藝學院友誼社全額獎學金於香港演藝學院取得舞台及製作(藝術及項目管理)碩士學位,曾於英國及波蘭文化機構實習。謝氏現為全職創意監製,期望把握工餘時間參與表演業界活動,策劃並推廣本地藝術。曾參與項目包括:本港首屆科藝藝術節2022、布拉格劇場設計與空間四年展 – 香港館、華文戲劇節、香港大學百週年校慶、香港展能藝術會藝術通達研究項目、國際、香港音樂劇藝術學院《会社人間》,《遊 · 戲西環》城市互動文化活動、澳門《三盞燈的藝術食堂》、《渡》舞蹈劇場上海公演等 。
Ms Tse graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a double major in Comparative Literature and Geography. She later obtained her MFA in Arts & Event Management at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with full-tuition scholarship, and interned at cultural organisations in the United Kingdom and Poland. Ms Tse is now a full-time creative producer, and she hopes to support and promote great works in the local performing arts industry through engaging in a wide range of projects in the field, including the first Technical Arts Festival in 2022, Prague Quadrennial – Hong Kong Pavilion, The Chinese Drama Festival, HKU100 Celebrations Series, ADAHK Arts Accessibility Research Project, The White Collar Principle: A Musical Fable, Play. Ground Sai Wan urban arts education programme, Art Buffet in Three Lamps in Macau, Du Dance Theatre re-run in Shanghai.