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夏恩蓓 Can Ha

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畢業於香港演藝學院舞台音響及音樂錄音系,現為不同本地及海外舞台製作擔任音響設計師及工程師並獲邀請擔任音樂節音響顧問。近期作品包括香港原創音樂劇音樂會《我們的音樂劇Reimagined》;香港藝術節音樂劇場《日新》;進念舞台創新實驗室自由《心經即是巴哈》;空間X香港話劇團《大狀王》;《奮青樂與路》(獲第27屆香港舞台劇獎最佳音響設計獎);一舖清唱《大殉情》(重演) (獲第26屆香港舞台劇獎最佳音響設計獎);中英劇團《解憂雜貨店》(提名第28屆香港舞台劇獎最佳音響設計);進念舞台創新實驗室、《建築城市》、《瞽師杜煥》;城市當代舞蹈團X一舖清唱《香﹒夭》等。其他作品包括:任白慈善基金《再世紅梅記》及《蝶影紅梨記》、W創作社 x 100毛《大MK日》及《小人國》系列、香港藝術節「香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台」系列 (2013-20)及《世紀香港》音樂會等,並連續三年(2014-17) 為澳門國際音樂節擔任音響顧問。

Ha Yan-pui was graduated from the Theatre, Sound and Music Recording Department at HKAPA. She is working as sound designer and engineer for many local and overseas productions and as sound consultant for some musical festivals. Her recent design works include Matteo Ricci The Musical; Music Theatre Always By Your Side for the Hong Kong Arts Festival; Pica pica Choose for Mr. Wing Theatre Company (Taiwan) & Yat Po Singers; Sing Out (Best Sound Design at the 27th Hong Kong Drama Awards); Our Immortal Cantata (re-run) for Yat Po Singers (Best Sound Design at the 26th Hong Kong Drama Awards); The Miracles of the Namiya General Store for Chung Ying Theatre Company (Nominated for Best Sound Design at the 28th Hong Kong Drama Awards); Z Innovation Lab, The Architecture of the City, Blind Musician Dou Wun for Zuni Icosahedron; Requiem HK for City Contemporary Dance Company & Yat Po Singers. Other works include The Reincarnation of Red Plum and The Butterfly and Red Pear Blossoms for Yam Kim Fai & Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation; Shuraba (Nominated for Best Sound Design at the 24th Hong Kong Drama Awards) and the Little Hong Kong series for W Theatre; the Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series (2013-18) and music extravaganza Hong Kong Odyssey for HKAF. She also worked as Sound Consultant for the Macao International Music Festival (2014 -2017).

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