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王志勇 - 跨媒體藝術家及策展人

Wong Chi Yung - Cross-disciplinary Artist and Curator



王氏對跨媒介創作的濃厚興趣,促使他開拓了在策展藝術的領域發展,並建立了在歐洲和香港之間的多過創作計劃。同時,他亦促進藝術家與科學家之間的交流與合作,並幫助實施針對貧困青少年的創造性教育建議。自 2016 年以來,王氏一直活躍於香港和歐洲等地,並與多個歐洲藝術組織 - - 如比利時列日劇院、西九文化區管理局、香港藝術中心、蘇黎世大學等 - - 創建和策劃文化交流項目。


王氏於香港演藝學院主修舞台燈光設計,並取得榮譽藝術學士學位,他並且是第一位獲得香港演藝學院一等榮譽學位的燈光專業學生。在過去的十多年中,王氏在巴黎、赫爾辛基和香港生活和工作,他是第一個參加芬蘭戲劇學院的亞洲學生,並參加了交流計劃。2003 年畢業後,他在巴黎在La Sorbonne 大學學習法語和文化課程。之後,他獲得了法國駐香港領事館的亞歷山大·耶爾辛獎學金,並於 2006 年在聖丹尼斯的巴黎第八大學完成了視覺藝術學位。


王氏在燈光方面的專長使他能夠製作和創作涉及舞台燈光、建築照明、展覽、攝影和插畫的項目。他曾擔任香港Hirsch Bender Associates的燈光設計總監,以及 Chanel 和 Louis Vuitton 的燈光設計顧問。他亦是香港 ICC「Sky 100」觀景台的概念燈光設計師。 


2005 年,王氏在巴黎展示了他的第一個展覽「Storytelling,Une Exposition Invisible」。2010 年,他在香港藝穗會 Slowear 畫廊展出了他的一系列燈光裝置。2011年,他受邀為香港 Artistree 舉辦的紙藝展覽「Paper Tales」創作場景燈光。2012 年初,他應香港和深圳建築雙年展的邀請展出了他的照明裝置「Fish in a Tree」。


他最近在世界文化遺產澳門的普通話之家為環境表現「Zheng’s Walls Have Ears」創作了燈光設計。2012 年 5 月,王氏被 Perspective雜誌評選為「未來 40 位 40 歲以下的設計明星」之一。


2012 年 5 月,王氏受法國駐香港領事館邀請,為法國五月藝術節創作了燈光藝術裝置,該全長 800 米的照明裝置,貫穿了整個香港中環至半山的自動扶梯。


2012 年 6 月,王氏得到 Agnes B 畫廊 的邀請,展示了場景燈光裝置「LESLUMIÈRES IMAGINAIRES」(The Imaginary Lights)。




2013 年 3 月,王氏被任命為 2013 年香港社區藝術雙年展的委託藝術家之一,講述一個故事,並為當地社區帶來鼓舞人心的裝置。在該屆雙年展上,他在屯門公園的一個池塘上創作了一種類似詩歌的照明裝置,探索了光與水反射之間的關係。他還創作了一個風向標和照明裝置,象徵著香港最古老的村莊之一 - - 薄扶林村 - - 的故事和歷史。


2014 至 2015 年中,他接受香港文化博物館的委託,創作了一個場景照明裝置《潛行 ‧ 夢空間》。他還得到香港賽馬會委託創作了《漂流的花朵》、《當風吹過》和《漫遊人》等。


他亦曾應邀擔任 2013 年香奈兒設計會議的演講嘉賓和2015年香港演藝學院的國際燈光研討會講者之一。

Chi-yung Wong is a cross-disciplinary artist-curator whose work covers experiential installation, light installation, creative education, and cultural exchanges between the arts and sciences. Chi-yung’s specialization in light has led him to create and install exhibitions involving interdisciplinary collaborations across the fields of theatre lighting and architecture lighting.


Chi-yung’s interest in cross-cultural partnerships and his desire to expand his leadership skills have led him in pursuit of various goals on his path to become an artist-curator, such as creating and leading projects between Europe and Hong Kong; fostering communication and collaboration between artists and scientists; developing artistic-initiatives for mental health awareness; and helping to implement creative education proposals for underprivileged teenagers. Since 2016, Chi-yung has lived between Hong Kong and Europe in order to create and curate cultural exchange projects with several European art organizations, such as the Theatre of Liege, Belgium, West Kowloon Cultural Authority, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Zurich University of the Arts, ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Artists-in-Labs Program (Zurich) and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.


In 2013, Chi-yung proposed an initiative to the French Consulate to create the first edition of the Festival of Light in Hong Kong, which led to the realization of the festival in 2017, and was selected as one of the key artists to represent Hong Kong, presented by the Festival Lumière Hong Kong and Hong Kong government. In 2018, he was selected by the IMPACT festival, which was funded by the European Commission, to lead artistic talents and technical experts from Belgium, France and Hong Kong in creating a large-scale installation.


 Chi-yung holds a Master of Transdisciplinary Arts Studies from the Zurich University of Arts, as well as a Bachelor of Fine Arts (majoring in Theatre Lighting Design) and was the first lighting student who graduated with First Class Honors from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2003. He obtained his Visual Arts degree at the Paris VIII Université, Saint Denis in 2006. He also studied French Language and Civilization in La Sorbonne Université. He was the first Asian student to propose and attend an exchange study program with the Theatre Academy of Finland in 2001. He was one of the recipients of the Alexandre Yersin scholarship from the French Consulate in Hong Kong. 


Since 2007, Chi-yung has been commissioned by many festivals and organizations, including the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Le French May Festival, Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong, agnès b., Librairie Galerie Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation. He was also the lighting design director for Hirsch Bender Associates Hong Kong and has worked as the lighting consultant for the fashion houses Chanel and Louis Vuitton.

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