袁玉英 - 舞台服裝設計師
Yuen Yuk Ying, Shybil - Set and Costume Designer

於香港從事舞台設計工作。1990 至 1993 年期間於香港演藝學院就讀,當時已活躍於劇場創作,並獲得不少獎項,包括成龍海外獎學基金. 1998 年於英國倫 敦大學 Slade School of Fine Art 取得碩士學位,更是首位香港設計師取得 Leslie Hurry Prize。2007, 2013 及 2018 香港戲劇協會及香港電台之最佳服裝 設計獎。1993 至1994 年間到比利時安特衛普市的青年劇場作交流實習,並獲 93 年香港演藝學院最佳學生設計獎。 參予國際舞台展覽包括 2003 及 2007 年布拉格四年展, 2005 及2009 年加拿大國際舞台展。
Hong Kong Theater Set & Costume Design was graduated from The Slade School of Fine Arts (University College London) and got Master of Fine Art in 1998 and she was the first Chinese being awarded the Lesile Hurry Prize in London in the same year. Shybil has been actively practicing in the theatre while she was receiving her training at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 1993. She was awarded the Jacky Chan Overseas Placement Scholarships to Antwerp Youth Theatre in Belgium in 1993 – 94, and recently she got the award of The Best Costume Design 2007, 2013 and 2018 by Hong Kong Federation Drama Association and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). And won the prize of the Best Student Designer in 1993 and the scholarship for the Best Potential in Design at HKAPA in 1993. Participant of PQ 2003 , PQ 2007 and World Stage Design 2005 and 2009.