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姜綺雯 (由美) - SAORI 編織藝術家
Keung Yee Man, Yumi - SAORI Weaving Artist

姜綺雯 (由美) -  SAORI 編織藝術家
Keung Yee Man, Yumi - SAORI Weaving Artist

SAORI 香港紗織藝術家及自由身藝術教育工作者。現為「點織創作」(Y SAORI Creations) 藝術總監及「亂世繪」(Collage DECO)多媒體藝術團主席。從事設計及藝術教育工作達20年。參與演出及劇場製作經驗豐富。2001 年開始積極籌辦及參與多項藝術教育計劃,擔任戲劇台前幕後導師、視覺及綜合藝術導師、特殊教育藝術導師及「智選人生計劃Life Skills Programme」正向心理學課程導師。現為香港展能藝術會口述影像、觸感藝術導師及藝術通達導賞員。由美於2015年成為香港首位被日本大阪本部 SAORI International Volunteer College 認可的紗織導師。多年來積極策劃 SAORI 社區紗織活動及展覽,2016及2018年更獲得滙豐社區夥伴計劃資助,籌辦為期一年的大型社區紗織計劃及舞台演出,藉著回收社區剩餘布料及製衣配件,融入到紗織藝術創作中,並帶領社區人士在有限的資源空間發揮無限創意,讓社區不同年齡,不同特質,不同階級人士發輝創意,發掘紗織藝術於本土的可能性,讓紗織作品在不同的平台展現社區藝術之美。受惠對象包括:長者、退休人士、婦女、青少年、兒童及復康人士,作品更在多個演出及展覽中巡迴展示。2019年,由美在抗疫其間確診急性嚴重類風濕關節炎,於抗病期間更專注於個人紗織藝術發展,嘗試以反傳統的梭織手法,尋找著輕與實、剛與柔之間的對比,藉此不斷探索與自身、社區及自然界之間的關係,創作出富個人特色,間縷式的疏織作品。參與不同大小的藝術展演。2022年更聯同富舞台製作經驗的沙畫藝術家海潮(蔡錦潮)共同創作《風の五羽織り》實驗一及實驗二,而被受關注。

SAORI is a Hong Kong yarn weaving artist and freelance art educator. Currently, she is the artistic director of Y SAORI Creations and the chairman of the Collage DECO multimedia art group. She is engaged in design and art education for over 20 years, and has extensive experience in performance and theatre productions. In 2001, she began to actively organise and participate in a number of art education programs, serving as a drama instructor on stage and behind the scenes, a visual and comprehensive arts instructor, a special education art instructor, and a positive psychology course instructor for the "Life Skills Programme". Currently, she is an audio designer, tactile art instructor and arts access guide for the Hong Kong Arts with Disabilities Association. In 2015, Yumi became the first yarn weaving instructor in Hong Kong recognized by SAORI International Volunteer College in Osaka, Japan. Over the years, they have actively planned weaving activities and exhibitions. In 2016 and 2018, they received funding from the HSBC Community Partnership Program to organize a year long large-scale community weaving project and stage performance. They recycled surplus fabrics and clothing accessories from the community and integrated them into their art, they lead community members to exert unlimited creativity within limited resource space, so that people of different ages, different characteristics, and different classes in the community can explore the possibilities of gauze-weaving art, and let their works be used in the local community. Beneficiaries include: the elderly, retired people, women, teenagers, children and people with disabilities, and the works have been exhibited in multiple performances and exhibitions.

In 2019, Yumi was diagnosed with acute severe rheumatoid arthritis during the fight against the epidemic. During the fight against the disease, she focused more on the development of her personal weave art, trying anti-traditional weaving techniques to find the balance between lightness and solidity, hardness and softness. Through contrast, she constantly explores the relationship with himself, the community and the natural world, and creates sparsely woven works with rich personal characteristics. Participate in art exhibitions of various sizes. In 2022, she collaborated with Hai Chao (Cai Jinchao), a sand painting artist with rich experience in stage production, to create Experiments 1 and 2 of "Wind of the Five Feathers”.

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