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劉穎途 - 音響設計及作曲家
Lau Wing Tao, Stoa - Sound Designer and Composer

劉穎途  -  音響設計及作曲家
Lau Wing Tao, Stoa - Sound Designer and Composer

畢業於香港演藝學院藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修舞台音響設計及音樂錄音。○三年憑作品<戰爭與和平>於香港步操協會之步操比賽獲得銀獎。劉氏憑<千禧瑪莉亞>獲第九屆香港舞台劇獎之最佳音響設計。劉氏獲提名香港舞台劇獎之最佳音樂創作有<老竇>、<體育時期 青春.歌.劇>、<粉紅天使>、<十二怒漢>、<風聲>。

劉曾任音樂劇<一個人的婚禮>、<細鳳>、<體育時期>、<白毛女>、<點點隔世情>、<喜靈洲...分享夜>、<香港、你好>、<大東亞異人娼館>、<六月新娘>、<天生不是女人>、<舞步青雲>、山東雜技團<遙望>、美國洛杉磯原創音樂劇<青>、杜國威作品<星海留痕>、香港話劇團<時光倒流香港地>、<一水南天>之作曲、編曲及音樂總監,除了為劇團創作配樂,亦為廣告、電視台及電台擔任作曲及編曲等工作。亦為電影<大話西遊三> ,<父施>, <小Q Little Q>創作電影配樂。


Lau is currently a Sound Designer, Composer.

He was graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with Bachelor of Performing Arts (Honor), majoring in Stage Sound Design and Music Recording.

He won the Best Sound Designer by the play called “Mariso” in the 9th Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies Awards (2000). Through HKATTS, one of his stage work called “Under Construction” was elected and being exhibited at the PQ 2003(which was held in Prague), in the Hall of Stage Music Composition. Lau was one of the nominees for the Best Music Composition by the play “Da” in the14th Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies Awards (2005). Lau is an active Composer in a number of local productions like a stand-up comedy “Free Man Show2”; James Mak’s Production “Glass Menagerie”; Prospects Theatre “Since 1972”; The Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies “The New Thunderstorm”; Theatre Space “Twelfth Angry Man”and “Da”; Actors’ Family “Let’s Cherkov”, “Under Construction”; In October 2005, he worked with the Hong Kong Ballet and its invited Choreographer Ms.Natalie Weir as the Music Coordinator of the Ballet “Madama Butterfly”.

In 2020, Lau won The Best Music Composition by the play “Uragiri Gomen!” in the 19th Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies Awards. His latest Musical work “The Tale of the Southern Sky” got 11 nomination in 2021 Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies Awards.

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