陳詠杰 - 音響設計
Chan Wing Kit - Sound Designer
Chan Wing Kit has almost 20 years of experience in the sound design and production management industry. She was two-time nominee for Best Sound Design of Hong Kong Drama Awards. After graduating with a major in sound design and music recording in 2005, Kit has involved in many major works of sound design, consulting and audio education. Recent works involved with Windmillgrass Theatre, Tang Shu Wing theatre studio, Chung Ying Theatre, Zuni Icosahedron, Kearen Pang Production, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Drama Gallery, etc. Apart from drama performance, Chan’s also get involved in concerts and installation work. Kit also deepened her knowledge of sound in the field of therapy and actively practices the use of sound and vibration as a healing tool. Through deep listening and discovery of the inner self, she believes one can make better art and improve the quality of life. Aside from her involvement in design and production, as well as research on sound therapy, she aspires to revitalize theatre production training and realises her vision of passing along key knowledge and sharing her experiences with the young designers.
2005 年畢業於香港演藝學院音響設計。熱愛聲和音及表演藝術,透過聲頻振動引進非意識。近期參與的設計作品包括風車草劇團《回憶的香港》倫敦站、《通菜街喪屍戰》(加料版)、《回憶的香港》音樂劇場(2022,2021 & 2019)、《攣攣成人禮•Falsettoland》;英皇娛樂 《最後禮物》、舞台劇版《短暫的婚姻》;黃詠詩詩人黑
盒劇場 《胎 Story》首演及重演;彭秀慧 《29+1》 2018 重演;香港話劇團 《初三》、《末忘之書》;進念 •二十面體《驚夢二三事》、《Tech Lab》系列。曾於多個國際級樂手音樂會負責技術統籌,包括 《Esperanzer Spalding》、《Roberto Fonseca》、《BuenaVista Social Club》、《Pink Martini》等。