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阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design
劇場教育 Drama Education
舞台攝影 Theatre Photography

畢業於香港演藝學院科藝學院藝術學士,主修佈景及服裝設計,曾獲香港賽馬會獎學金及成龍海外獎學金赴英國 Stephen Joseph Theatre 實習。舞台設計作品達二百個,更憑演戲家族製作的《四川好人》獲第十三屆香港舞台劇獎「最佳服裝設計獎」。現為自由身舞台工作者及劇場教育工作者、香港演藝學院客席講師、香港演藝學院駐院藝術家 (設計) (2015)。同時亦為舞台攝影師,為不同專業表演藝術團體擔任攝影師,其舞台攝影作品曾分別在台灣及日本隨藝團展覽。

2017 年開始委任為香港藝術發展局評審員(戲劇界別)。2008 年開始個人攝影計畫《Black List》,並於 2010 年 7 月展覽及出版。阮氏曾六度獲香港小劇場奬及香港舞蹈年奬之提名「最佳舞台效果獎」。2017 年憑《金龍》獲第二十六屆香港舞台劇獎「最佳舞台設計獎」。2018 年憑前進進戲劇工作坊《對倒.時光》獲 IATC (HK) 劇評人獎頒發年度舞台科藝/美術獎。 2020 年憑《夏娃》獲第二十九屆香港舞台劇獎最佳舞台設計。2021 受國際演藝評論家協會 (香港分會) 邀請收錄其舞台攝影作品於《一攝無邊:香港劇場影像紀錄數碼資料庫暨教育計劃》。最近其舞台設計作品《羅生門》入圍世界劇場設計展 2022 專業競賽部份 。

Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts majoring in Set and Costume Design, Yuen received the Best Costume Design Award from the 13th Hong Kong Drama Awards for The Good Person of Szechwan. He has been focusing on theatre and performing arts design for more than a decade, with about 200 set design. Yuen is now a freelance theatre artist and theatre photographer, his first photo book Black Listwas published with an exhibition paying tribute to theatre technicians in Hong Kong.

In 2017, he received the Best Set Design Award from the 26th Hong Kong Drama Awards for The Golden Dragon and the Best Art Directions/Technical Arts of Year by IATC (HK) Critics Awards 2018 with Tête-bêcheof On & On Theatre Workshop. In 2020, Yuen received the Best Set Design Awards by 29th Hong Kong Drama Awards for his design for Eve.


阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai
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