08 June (Thu)
Our Atlas (PQ2023)

重新構作的裝置空間《人圖 (PQ2023)》是《人圖》的延伸作品,它融合《人圖》及《遙遙之城》原 意念的影像創作和當下的藝術行動及記錄將成為創作核心,希望將近年香港的生活感悟帶到世界舞 台上,透過與觀眾獨特的連結,重新思索自己的生命經驗,發現其中的可能啟示。
The state of being and action is a landscape. How can one observe, in the hazy crevice, the buried dust of this time of darkness?
Our cycle of life through reflection ...
Who are the passer-by?
Capturing a moment
Feeling the temperature
Reminiscing an era
In the midst of joy and sorrow, we glow
Together we create, our atlas
Life as a massive ball keeps rolling endlessly in the ever-changing cycles of generations. Only through introspection of our inner voice, and preserving the warmth of our humanity, to find the path that belongs to us.
“Our Atlas (PQ2023)” is a reimagined installation art that expands upon the original work by merging the conceptual imagery of “Our Atlas” and “Maybe Tomorrow” with contemporary artistic expression and documentation as its creative core. It seeks to communicate the essence of Hong Kong's recent experiences to a global audience while forging a unique and transformative connection with the visitors, encouraging introspection and the revelation of new insights.
藝術家 Artists
葉卓棠 Moon Yip
跨媒體藝術創作 Multi-media Art
黃靜婷 Chloe Wong
表演藝術家 Performing Artist / 編舞家 Choreographer
葉曉雲 Andrew Yip
媒體製作 Media Production