Cheung Pui Pui, Goretti
畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及服裝設計系 (榮譽) 學士,同年獲得成龍海外獎學金赴美國 Guthric Theatre 學習交流。 並曾獲提名第 10 屆香港舞台劇獎之最佳服裝設計。畢業後一直從事舞台佈景及服裝設計、木偶設計及製作、劇場教育等。 多年來與香港及國内外多個藝團及商業機構合作。其作品於 2019 年布拉格劇場設計四年展 - 香港館展出。
Goretti Cheung graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with an Bacehlor of Fine Arts (Honours) Degree in Stage and Costume Design. She granted the “Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Exchange Scholarship” and as the intern at Guthric Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota, US) Also, she was nominated for the best costume designer at The 10th Hong Kong Drama Awards. She is very experienced in stage setting and costume design, teaching, puppet design and making. Since she has worked with Hong Kong and overseas’s different performing arts company, schools, commercial companies and governmental organizations. She has designed more than thousands pieces of costume and over fifty settings for a variety of projects for drama, dance, TV programs etc.