Sin Ho Yin, Glades
畢業於香港演藝學院主修舞台及技術管理, 並獲頒藝術學士榮譽學位。在校內曾參與音樂劇紅男綠女、演藝廿週年戲劇長河之末、歌劇醉夢花都製作。課餘參與農曆新年花車巡遊及香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮等統籌工作。亦為前佚名劇團及中英劇團作客串演出。畢業後先後任職香港藝穗會、中英劇團及葵青劇院。累積了十五年香港海洋公園及香港迪士尼樂園特備節目製作經驗, 由 2016 年 11 月開始, 轉職西九文化區管理局表演藝術署擔任高級場地營運經理。
Graduated from HK Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Degree, majoring in Stage and Technical Management. During her programme of study, she participated in various Academy productions (including Guys and Dolls, The End of the Long River, Sailing City, La Vie Parisienne), as well as productions and events of local organizations, including the Chinese New Year Parade and the Hong Kong Films Awards Presentation Ceremony. She also appeared as guest actor in productions of Anonymous Theatre Company (renamed as Ming Ri Theatre Company) and Chung Ying Theatre Company. Upon graduation, Glades joined the Hong Kong Fringe Club as Technical Coordinator. She was the Deputy Stage Manager of Chung Ying Theatre Company and Resident Stage Manager of Kwai Ching Theatre. Glades joined the Ocean Park Hong Kong as Show Producer, managing special events in Events & Entertainment and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Entertainment Production as Production Manager, Special Projects for over 15 years. Currently, she worked as Senior Manager, Venue Operations (Planning) Performing Arts Division of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority since 2016.