Student Exhibition
(Hong Kong)
“Long Night”
Long-Night was a graduation show of Dorothy You, planned to be performed in the Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on 18 Feb, 2022. However, it was sadly stopped by the pandemic.
The story of Long-Night describes a tragic realism story of a woman’s life after falling in love with a pickup artist. Her husband's gaslighting shattered her life and drove her crazy. Finally, she killed the man and was found guilty in court.
We hoped to offer a performance that blurs the boundary between music and stage reading. During the performance, the chamber music will not only be background music as it might be used in other drama productions, but the word contents will also interact with the music in our expectations. A blindfold with a half-light transmission will be provided to strengthen the hearing sense of the audience and reflect on the story.
YOU Xuanyuan, Dorothy, 尤玄圓
TSUI Tsz Ching, Catherine, 徐梓晴
SO Chuen On , 蘇全安
WONG Chun Hei, Kenny, 王晉希
LI JIALIN, Nickole, 李佳琳
IG: @dorothy_jau , @ttchingxoxo , @soon420 , @kennywongggggg_ , @nickole_ljl