Mr. Hugh Chinnick
總監 - Pacific Lighting (HK) Ltd.
Director, Pacific Lighting (HK) Ltd.
Hugh 來自英國,1974 年開始他的全職業舞台工作,於劍橋藝術劇院擔任副總電技師。 隨後於格林德伯恩歌劇院工作 11 年,於非劇季期間亦參與英國音樂劇院、英國國家歌劇院(北區) 、倫敦西區製作、貿易展覽及電視製作。 1988 年加入香港演藝學院,擔任舞台燈光系主任至 1999 年。亦曾為香港城市大學及昆士蘭科技大學合辦的燈光碩士課程擔任兼職講師;並在他的工作室繼續為團體作小組教學。 Hugh 是英國燈光製作及設計協會會員以及香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學院校友顧問委員會成員。
Originating from UK, Hugh began his career in 1974 as Deputy Chief Electrician at the Arts Theatre Cambridge. This was followed by eleven seasons with Glyndebourne Festival Opera, interspersed with productions for the English Music Theatre, English National Opera (North), West End productions, trade shows and television productions. In 1988 he joined The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (APA), where he was Head of Theatre Lighting until 1999. He was a part-time lecturer for the Master of Lighting programme by the City University of Hong Kong and The Queensland University of Technology; and continues private teaching for small groups and organisations in his fully equipped Studio. Hugh is a member of the Association of Lighting Production and Design (UK) and External Advisors Committee for APA's School of Theatre & Entertainment Arts.