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Rice Fan




Fan Ho Yin, Rice

畢業於香港知專設計學院(舞台及佈景設計)高級文憑,國立臺北藝術大學劇場設計學系肄業。曾參與劇場製作:《花肚兜之神奇窗戶》(2022)、《榕樹下》(2022)、《淘汰遊戲玩謝你》、《戰將無雙》、《文字再造 VII》、《扣題》。





Rice Fan graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute (Stage & Set Design). Attended 2 semesters toward a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre design & technology of TNUA. Recently production included : “AhDull’s Magic Window”(2022), 《淘汰遊戲玩謝你》(2022), “Under the Banyan Tree” (2022),  “Legend” (2022), “Text Re-experimenting VII” (2022) , “Model Answer” (2019).

Fan is using different perspectives (designer, performer, choreographer and curator) to study the relationship between performance art and performance space, which is the inspiration of his creation. Personal Artwork: “Conversation”

Fan is currently a freelancer of set design, performance artist,  and publicity officer of Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers (HKATTS).

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